Sunday, June 1, 2014

How to end your hair loss forever!

Hair Loss Myths

Among aging men, hair loss is often feared second only to the threat of impotence. It’s unsurprising then that there are so many myths surrounding these fears. This tends to bring about a prevalence of attempts to locate cures for problems that don’t exist, or the persistance of purely wrong information. Akin to those myths about going blind and undesired crops of palm hair, we have been raised with whispers of ‘If you wash your hair daily, your hair will fall out!’. Odd how these stand alongside the threats of improper hygiene.
With the amazing ebook “Control Hair Loss Forever”, you can be sure that you can separate fact from fiction. This can save you an enormous amount of money by not falling victim to pernicious myths perpetuated for no other reason than to separate you from your hard earned cash. It’s an absolutely amazing text with all the latest information on hair loss fact and fiction, full of scientifically sound and time tested methods of preventing hair loss without out-dated ineffective folk remedies.
One common myth was already brought up, that of washing your hair daily. The most common concern involves the constant washing will lead to a dry or chemically saturated scalp that will result in a detrimental effect on your hair. This is met, in return, with the incredibly ludicrous that positioning yourself so that the blood rushes to your head will help keep your hair healthy. This, at least, is not as ridiculous idea that having a bovine tongue your scalp will somehow stimulate growth.
Another insidious myth about hairloss involves the idea that a bald head is a sign of a lack of virility. As if the steady loss of hair from your head somehow means that your sexual function is somehow also impaired. There is no evidence that connects these two in any way, yet the myth persists. Odd in the face of sex symbols like Patrick Stewart and Sean Connery.
A less destructive myth, that science has recently produced evidence against, is that baldness is passed down from your mothers genetics. While this is partially true, the current evidence points to a male paternal figure being far more likely to be the source than the maternal side. Thankfully there are no expensive or ridiculous cures tied to this myth, but that doesn’t make it any less than a myth.
Before we go, we’ll address one last thing for those who are appearance conscious. Another popular myth out there indicates that if you use pomade or hair control products, you’re just courting your hair to an early hairbrush graveyard. This is in no way true, though you should be careful with any kind.
Rather than falling victim to these long standing myths that stem from folklore or the long-standing tradition of trying to emphasize the old adage “A fool and his money are soon parted”, instead pick up the ebook “Control Hair Loss Forever” and make sure you never fall victim to this form of chicanery again!

Causes of Hair Loss in Women

“Hair loss is a natural part of growing old, for men and women alike.” This is the story we’re told throughout our lives. The men talk about how their fathers had a full head of hair right until their dying day, as if their declaration of their paternal figures follicular immortality will somehow hold off the demise of their own head of hair. Among the women it isn’t talked about in public, in contrast to the males brazen declaration of immortality or forceful declarations that the loss of a few hairs mean nothing, instead they whisper in their cloisters. They look worriedly at the cast off hair on their brushes and share their fears with only the closest of female friends. There are a number of causes of balding in women, and we’re going to touch on a few of these today. If you find these information, check out “Control Hair Loss Forever” today! The newest and best source of symptoms, indicators, and cures for your hair loss needs!

We’ll be starting with an affliction known as ‘Telogen Effluvium’, this is a condition that occurs typically after pregnancy, dramatic weight loss, major surgery, or even periods of heightened emotional and psychological turmoil. The first sign of this is one of the most commonly perceived images of hair loss, significant amounts of hair being found upon the brush, styling tools, or upon the shower floor. To make matters worse this condition can in fact be caused by certain medications. There are certain hints that will tell you this is what you’re suffering from, including club shaped roots on your hair. These and other symptoms are discussed in Control Hair Loss Now! An innovative and informative book on the science of controlling hair loss!
Another potential cause of hair loss in women is a condition known as hypothyroidism. This disease afflicts millions of people the world over, and is the result of an under producing thyroid. The vital hormone produced by this gland is responsible for a great many little things about the body. Including causing mood swings, irregular heart-beat, and even altering your basal metabolic rate, the underlying amount of calories you burn while at rest. By interfering with these vital elements, it also directly affects every attached system, including hair growth. In “Control Hair Loss Forever” you’ll learn about these and other causes, and even ways to help mitigate the damage that can be done by these and other conditions!

In spite of Montgomery House always proclaiming “It’s Never Lupus”, in all honesty, sometimes it is. Lupus is an auto-immune disease that causes the body to assault otherwise healthy organs and tissues. The symptoms of this disease are headaches, mouth ulcers, swollen, painful joints, and an enduring fatigue. These are just some of the problems caused by this terribly vexing condition, and one of them, as you might imagine by its inclusion in this article, is hair loss. The follicles of the body are no less vulnerable to attack by this disease than anything else, and by attacking them it can cause the follicles to die or simply shed the hairs prematurely.
These two conditions are common the world around, and affect women everywhere. With our new book “Control Hair Loss Forever” you can rest assured that you will have time tested and readily available techniques to deal with these situations. Whether it’s changes in diet, lifestyle, or certain herbal or chemical applications, “Control Hair Loss Forever” will provide you with ready and immediate answers to some of the most vexing hair loss issues!


Hair loss severally affect people negatively. Here are some of the effects.

Depression and Anxiety: Hair means many things to different people. Some individuals could be depress and anxious as a result of hair loss.
Weight loss or gain: As a result of the psychological trauma of hair loss, some persons could start reacting either by excessive eating or refusing to eat at all.
Professional side effects: Hair loss can affect a model, stylist and performer negatively.
Sickness: Hair loss could cause sickness as a result of emotional attachment to hair by an individual. Of course, some hair loss are caused by sicknesses.
Wrong perception of beauty: How true is the saying that the hair is the woman’s glory. When the woman start losing her hair, her perceptions become threatened.
Waste of money on treatments: The process of trying to find solution to hair loss also amount to wasting hard earned money. This could be traumatic too.
Low self-esteem: An individual self-esteem could nose dive as a result of hair loss. She could get mocked, scorned etc.


HEREDITARY: Yes, some hair loss problems are hereditary related. There are families who have that peculiar problem. Contrary to the believe that this kind of case cannot be remedied or treated is false.

STRESS: O’ Yes! Stress from lack of rest can also cause hair loss, research has shown. It is needful for one to learn to rest no matter the pressure from jobs that must be done.

POOR NUTRITION: That one too? Hey! You do not know? Research has proven this beyond reasonable doubt. So you must mind what you eat.

SICKNESSES: (Chemotherapy, HIV, Lupus, Thyroid disease etc.). A lot of sickness and diseases cause severe hair loss. This could be traumatic especially when the person recovers from the sickness. And the hair is no longer there.

POOR PH BALANCE: Really? Of course! The pH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance is. When this is not balance in the body of an individual it results to hair loss among other effects.

LIVING IN POLLUTED ENVIRONMENT: How is that a cause? The harmful chemicals in the environment can cause hair loss and general health problems.

OBSESSION WITH HAIR STYLES AND PRODUCTS: Pure nonsense! You think so? You just ask your stylist and you will be surprised at how this has particularly made so many loss their hair. There must be a balance as to how you use hair products.

There are other factors of course that play it's role in this wicked hairgame, but you are lucky, because you can finally get a solution now.